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September Angel Message: Still, small voice

Happy September! This is the message from the angels that went out with my monthly newsletter. I'm also starting to post messages daily to my instagram account @rebecca.kastl. Come find me there if you'd like more of this! Have a beautiful month. When you hear the still, small voice within, hold the stillness, and listen. This is coming from a higher source, your higher self. Hold that thread and pull it out word by word. What is your heart trying to tell you? What messages does Source have for you? When you listen, your whole life can change in an instant for the better. Get still and heed your inner guidance. Each one of you has this cable to inner knowing. And how can you tell which...

Seeing the Love

A question that has come up time and again is - Where is God when tragedy strikes? It's easy to feel confused when watching the news or when experiencing difficulties in your own life. I'm not a sage or a wisdom-keeper, but I can tell you what I've learned since my Spiritually-Transformative Experience (STE). I hope it will be helpful. As I write about often, in my STE I felt God's love very intensely, for me and for everyone. I saw light in all things and people. This experience, or really, series of experiences, was so profound that it shifted my life completely. But as many people ask and as I wondered in the past, if that light is there all the time, why doesn't it seem...

The Source of All Peace

I hope this post finds you well! I started writing this post in October, in advance of the US Presidential Election, and will finish it after, to send out the first Friday of the month of November. I am, along with everyone else I know, apprehensive about the results. It’s hard to know what’s going to happen, who’s going win, and what direction our nation will take. In the midst of so much disinformation and online ads, it’s become hard to know who to trust or believe. My own extended family is divided on candidates with seemingly completely separate sets of facts, based on which media each consumes. And thanks to the film The Social Dilemma, I’ve learned about the social media algorithm that often results...

Healing and Nature

I write this today a few days ahead of the massive climate walk-outs being planned this Friday across my country. For the past several weeks we’ve had temperatures in the mid-nineties. I’ve been at a point of panic about our environment and experiencing a bit of hopelessness. Today’s blog is about how I approach these topics in balance with my spiritual life. When I first had my experiences of God and light, nature became much more alive to me. I was raised in a culture that disregarded nature. As a child I loved nature but had no language with which to approach it, and eventually stopped noticing it or feeling a part of it. My experience changed all of that. Nature pulsed with the beauty of...

Steadying the Ship

Though I don’t personally know how to sail, I’ve been on a sailboat fairly recently with my daughter when we visited the beach. It was really beautiful to see the captain work gently with the elements, positioning the boat to let the sails catch the wind and propel us forward. It was truly the work of a very patient expert. So it is with life, where you are the boat and God is the wind. When you discern in your heart the correct way to go, position yourself by letting go of harmful thoughts and preconceived notions of what your life should look like, and get ready to move forward with God’s help. God’s breath will take you there. ...

Making Sense of an Experience of the Divine

Before I had my experience, my life was pretty ok. I had done a lot of healing and while things weren’t perfect, I wasn’t really doing anything “wrong” in my life. I was in graduate school. I studied. I had friends. And then I had this beautiful and heart-opening experience of God that really changed my perspective, my heart and my life. It took me a long time to make sense of that experience. I struggled with it. I ignored it. I pretended it hadn’t happened. I got angry at God.  It wasn’t easy to make sense of an experience that is not talked or taught about in my culture. Not only was it not talked about, in my household I had been conditioned to believe...