

God’s Love for You

Here's the monthly message from the angels. Enjoy! God is always with you. You never have to feel alone, afraid, or cut off. Your guardian angels, guides, spirit helpers - however you call us, are on your team, always. This you will know when you finish the race, this time on your planet, called life. Until then, listen for us in the wind. Know us in your heart. Sometimes we are loud, and sometimes we are quiet as you figure things out on your own, but always - we are there. Never doubt this. Always know you are engulfed in divine love. And what of the times when God seems distant? Come back home to the heart. Quiet your mind. Go within. There you will find the...

Love Is All Around

This month I'm trying something a little different. Similar to my angel readings, this month I tuned in and wrote the message I received from the angels. I hope you enjoy! I can't take credit for this wisdom! Your angels are here for you. God, in any way you conceive, is love, and within and all around you. At times it may not seem so. The world is a trickster. Shift your awareness to your inner space. See the world through the eyes of love. A neighbor walking a dog, birds chirping in the morning as they have for eons, a tree growing. These are pockets of God in a world that seems far removed. There is nothing but God. The magic lies in finding that...

Healing Racism

Healing in the context of the racism inherent in our society has been on my mind this week and, truly, for many years. What is my place in this part of the journey? Where can I best serve? Many years ago, I found myself in a circle of Black healers, thanks to my primary Reiki Teacher, herself a woman of color. She took me into her world and showed me a side of reality I hadn't been as aware of before that. For that I am grateful. I spent weeks and years learning from her and from an amazing group of healers who were healing more than I had ever imagined. Yes, my rape and trauma were awful, but they were not compounded by generations of...

Choosing God, Choosing Love

Why choose the path of God and of love? It's not always the easiest path. It's not what all your friends might be doing. It might not even be the path your family is on. Aligning with God and aligning with love might ask you to shed painful layers of ego, and relearn ways of being. It might require you to let go of comfortable things and embrace things you fear. So why get on this path at all? It's the most exciting and meaningful path you can take in life. It's truly why you are here. Your soul and higher self is always nudging you toward the path of love. It wants you to live out your Godly destiny by stepping into who you truly are....

Balancing Spirituality with Reality

"On Earth as it is in Heaven" -The Lord's Prayer The spiritual world is beautiful and perfect. Well, wait, I should clarify. The higher realms of the spiritual world, the ones I encountered in my experience, are beautiful and perfect. It is a world full of love and peace. Everything sings with light and joy. In contrast, our physical reality can seem topsy turvy and difficult. After my experience, I wanted to have nothing to do with the "real" world. I knew how beautiful God's world was, and I wanted to go there right away and forever. Learning to stay in this world in a balanced way has taken years. One of the most valuable things I've learned in this process is the importance of being embodied and truly...

Creating a Dream or a Nightmare

It’s possible for each of us to create a dream or a nightmare out of our lives. Though it seems we are at the whims of fate, we each have the power within us to veer our lives into territory of love or of fear. Much of this has to do with our thoughts and how centered we are in our hearts. Thinking the highest thoughts and focusing on love allows us to bring more love into our lives, like an internal feedback loop. The reverse is true with fear and fearful thoughts. I write about this because I’ve experienced both in my life. I entered into huge fear territory after my trauma. I didn’t only create a waking nightmare in my life, I had terrifying...

Connecting with God

It doesn’t have to be hard to connect with God. It doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. You can connect with God at any time because God created you, and God lives in your heart at all times. At all times. You can truly never be separate from God. You can merely be aware of God or not. Why connect with God? If your life is going fine, you might not feel like it’s important. If you are feeling lost, depressed, or sad, connecting with God can help you remember how loved you are, and help you return to your true life’s purpose. I didn’t connect with God until I’d reached the end of what I could do in the world of the senses. How can one...


I personally believe we are all here to be “Christed,” that is, to learn and live into our oneness with God. Though I know it might not seem like the purpose of life from looking at the news or going to work, my experiences and the things I’ve learned have led me to this belief. In the process of being Christed and becoming aware of our union with God, we may have highs and lows. We may rise to beautiful experiences of love only to fall to depths of sadness later. I’ve definitely been there. The important thing is to be patient with yourself, and to remind yourself why you’re here. It takes time.  ...

We are All Holy

My experience of God really threw me for a loop when it first happened, in many ways. Namely, I had to overcome the lessons I was taught growing up that only special people communicate with God, and that only certain people can really make contact with God. I had to move past a lot of mental constructs to come to the truth that we are all part of God, and that God communicates with all of us, all the time. Sometimes God communicates in big ways, but most of the time, God communicates in small whispers. Mostly, God communicates with you in the way that you understand best.  I was not raised to believe that God could communicate with many people. I was raised to believe...


Where does Healing end and Spirituality begin?

When I began healing, I did not set out to become a spiritual person. I only wanted to feel my heart and heal myself. My years of sadness after my trauma and childhood had left me lost, and I wanted to be happy from the inside - happy for real. Somehow, along the way, unintentionally, my journey to heal brought me to God.  How did that happen? I’ve come to believe that healing and God are very closely related. When we heal, we are trying to make ourselves whole again. Healing happens when we allow love back into all parts of ourselves. Healing happens when we connect our small heart to the Big Heart of God. When I was lost and wishing to feel my heart,...