

Being Still

Can you find times in your day to be still? It can be an enormous undertaking when you are living in the modern world. Being still allows peace to enter. Being still allows you to hear the “still, small voice.” Being still means putting away your smart phone and screens and televisions and distractions. Being still means being brave enough to sit in silence and accept the truth of who you are.  Pre-healing Rebecca ran and ran and ran. I joined things and did things and added many things to my schedule and life. I was afraid to be still. I was afraid to know myself. And yet, when I finally gave myself the space to be still and truly heal, I learned there was nothing...

Returning to Center

This morning I got a little off kilter. Toddler needs, morning routines, and a dollop of mild family drama conspired to tilt me off balance. I know I’m off balance when I am feeling anxious, distracted, and sad. My breathing gets shallow and my body tenses. When I notice I’m doing this, I have some practices that help me return to my center and find peace. Here are my favorites. Breathing – Breathing calmly and deeply, even for just a few breaths, helps me calm immediately. It just takes a moment to check in and pay attention to your breath. Slow down and breathe with intention. Feel your mental clouds clear. You can even try this now. How do you feel?  Intentional Movement – This is a practice that can...


Being Balanced

Learning how to remain balanced is a vital part of healing and one I work on steadily. To me, being balanced means living equally through all three parts of our being: body, mind, and spirit. Throughout many times of my life I’ve teetered out of balance in these areas. Thankfully, I eventually find my way back to balance with some focus and intention.  Growing up, I was taught that only the body and mind existed, and I focused all of my energy on them while my spirit suffered. This looked like me exercising (body) and studying (mind) and ending the day in tears (suffering spirit). Conversely, when I first had my spiritual awakening, I was so in awe of God that I focused all my energy...