
Trusting Your Experience

Trusting Your Experience

It’s been easy for me to fall into the trap of letting other people define my experiences for me, especially when it comes to defining my spirituality and God. When I first had my experience of God, I believed what other people told me about it, more than I believed my own experience. That’s been a big part of my path and a huge learning area for me. My experiences are mine – other people’s perspectives can be really helpful, but they can’t tell me what I feel, believe, or see.

I spent a lot of time talking with a few trusted mentors about my experience. Looking back, I wish I had been brave enough to keep it to myself. I was too afraid that I was going crazy to stay silent, and I needed to talk about it to make sure I was ok. The few people I talked to about it helped me feel grounded, and thankfully, blessedly, helped me to learn that it was not “crazy” to have a spiritual experience. They were very encouraging and helpful. 

But they could not understand how much it changed me, and how much it meant to me. It was my soul connecting to God, and that was life-transforming. Sometimes I feel that talking about it cheapens that – there’s no way to communicate in words the depth of my transformation, except for a person to have their own life-changing experience of God and of love. 

Trusting your experience doesn’t just apply to your spiritual reality, but also to your relationships, jobs, truths, and life. I wish you the courage and strength to trust your own experience today and to honor it, with love.

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